State accounts - Domain
Government and public sector, Economy and finance
In the state financial statements, the Federal Council details the receipts of the federal administration for the previous year and accounts for its expenditure. The Federal Fi...
State accounts - Office
Government and public sector, Economy and finance
In the state financial statements, the Federal Council details the receipts of the federal administration for the previous year and accounts for its expenditure. The Federal Fi...
The Stapfer-Enquête: schooling in Switzerland 1799 (RDF)
Population and society, Education, culture and sport
Database containing the results of the Stapfer-Enquête: The Stapfer-Enquête is a unique survey of the school situation in the Helvetic Republic dating from 1799. It was initiate...
State accounts - Function
Government and public sector, Economy and finance
In the state financial statements, the Federal Council details the receipts of the federal administration for the previous year and accounts for its expenditure. The Federal Fi...
State accounts - Category
Government and public sector, Economy and finance
In the state financial statements, the Federal Council details the receipts of the federal administration for the previous year and accounts for its expenditure. The Federal Fi...
Historical photograph collection “Active service in the First World War”
Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector
The “Active service in the First World War” (1914-1918) photograph collection comprises 5,125 digitised glass plate negatives and their metadata from the fonds “National Defence...
Carl Durheim’s police photographs of stateless persons
Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Justice, legal system and public safety, Economy and finance
In 1852 and 1853 Carl Durheim, a pioneering photographer from Bern, was commissioned by the Confederation to photograph hundreds of stateless persons and travellers who had been...
Bibliographic Records from the Alexandria Library Network
Education, culture and sport
Currently, the Alexandria library network comprises 16 libraries and documentation agencies within and outside the Confederation. The library catalog of this network contains mo...
Archive database of the Swiss Federal Archives
Government and public sector
Metadata of the fonds in the Swiss Federal Archives. Currently the metadata of 3.84 million files and 257'000 documents are available online (august 2020). Including over 25’000...
Fonds overview: Federal State since 1848
Government and public sector
The fonds overview of the Swiss Federal Archives’ database guides users within the holdings of the Federal State since 1848 (main department E). It offers an easy starting point...
The Stapfer-Enquête: schooling in Switzerland 1799
Population and society, Education, culture and sport
Database containing the results of the Stapfer-Enquête: The Stapfer-Enquête is a unique survey of the school situation in the Helvetic Republic dating from 1799. It was initiate...
Official Compilation of Federal Legislation (BS / AS) 1948-2018
Justice, legal system and public safety
The data comprise the Official Compilation (AS) including the Revised Compilation (BS). The AS is the organ of publication for enactments of the Confederation that have entered ...
Geneva Conventions
Justice, legal system and public safety, Government and public sector
The first Geneva Convention “for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field”, was signed 150 years ago, on 22 August 1864. The original document fro...
Federal consultations 1960-1991
Justice, legal system and public safety
Metadata on consultation procedures completed between 1960 and 1991. The list links to the overview of consultation procedures completed since 1992, which is maintained online b...
State financial statements / federal budget: receipts and expenditure of the ...
Government and public sector, Economy and finance
In the state financial statements, the Federal Council details the receipts of the federal administration for the previous year and accounts for its expenditure. The Federal...
eBooks on demand (EOD)
Education, culture and sport
eBooks on Demand is a document delivery service at a charge, enabling the order of complete electronic copies of copyright-free books published between 17th century and 1914.
Bildersammlung Annemarie Schwarzenbach
Education, culture and sport
Annemarie Schwarzenbach, 1908 in Zürich geboren, 1942 in Sils gestorben, gehört zu den herausragenden Schweizer Reporterinnen der 1930er und 1940er Jahre. Sie bezeichnete sich s...
Eduard Spelterini image collection
Education, culture and sport
Between 1890 and 1910 Eduard Spelterini (1852-1931) undertook a number of travels by balloon over Switzerland and other countries. While doing this, he took photographs from ab...
Digitised publications
Education, culture and sport
The digitized collections available through this portal include over 8,500 books in PDF format with integrated optical character recognition. These texts are available worldwide...
Handschriften Rainer Maria Rilke
Education, culture and sport
Rainer Maria Rilke, 1875 in Prag geboren, 1926 in der Schweiz gestorben, zählt zu den bedeutendsten Dichtern der literarischen Moderne. Sein Werk umfasst vor allem Lyrik, aber a...
Swiss Book (2001 - )
Education, culture and sport
The Swiss Book is the National Bibliography of Switzerland and is compiled, edited and published by the Swiss National Library (NL). The Swiss Book indexes Swiss publishing outp...
Bibliography on Swiss History (1975 - )
Education, culture and sport
The Bibliography on Swiss History (BSH) comprises publications from both Switzerland and abroad that relate to the nation’s history. They include monographs, articles from colle...
Max van Berchem image collection
Education, culture and sport
Born in Geneva in 1863, Max van Berchem was an Orientalist, specialist in Islamic archaeology and photographer. He travelled to Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Turkey to carry out r...
Photoglob-Wehrli Archive
Education, culture and sport
The Photoglob-Wehrli archive at the Swiss National Library is part of the Federal Archives of Historic Monuments (FAHM) held by the Prints and Drawings Department. Over 12,000 p...
Swiss ISIL Directory
Education, culture and sport
The Swiss National Library (NL) maintains the national ISIL centre for memory institutions (libraries, archives, documentation centres and museums) from Switzerland and the Prin...