29 dataset trovati

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Risultato del Filtro
  • Bibliografìa della storia svizzera (1975 - )

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    La Bibliografia della storia svizzera (BSS) raccoglie le pubblicazioni riguardanti la storia elvetica che sono apparse in Svizzera e all’estero. Comprende monografie, articoli d...

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  • Libro svizzero (2001 - )

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Il Libro svizzero è la Bibliografia nazionale svizzera e viene redatto, edito e pubblicato dalla Biblioteca nazionale svizzera (BN). Il Libro svizzero repertoria la produzione e...

    • PDF
  • Collezione Gugelmann («Schweizer Kleinmeister»)

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    La Biblioteca nazionale svizzera (BN) è in possesso della collezione Gugelmann dal 1982. In quell'anno Annemarie Gugelmann cedette alla BN la collezione dei cosiddetti Schweizer...

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  • Collezioni digitalizzate

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Le collezioni digitalizzate disponibili in questo portale includono più di 8'500 libri in formato pdf e con riconoscimento dei caratteri integrato. Questi testi sono accessibili...

    • PDF
  • Collezione Max van Berchem

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Max van Berchem, nato a Ginevra nel 1863, è stato orientalista, specialista di archeologia islamica e fotografo. Oltre a intraprendere viaggi di studio in Egitto, Palestina, Sir...

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  • Galleria d’immagini Eduard Spelterini

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Tra il 1890 e il 1910 Eduard Spelterini (1852–1931) effettuò voli in pallone sorvolando la Svizzera e altri Paesi. Durante questi voli realizzò diversi scatti del paesaggio vist...

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  • Bildersammlung Annemarie Schwarzenbach

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Annemarie Schwarzenbach, 1908 in Zürich geboren, 1942 in Sils gestorben, gehört zu den herausragenden Schweizer Reporterinnen der 1930er und 1940er Jahre. Sie bezeichnete sich s...

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  • Fotos von Schuhen in der Sammlung des Schuhmuseums Lausanne

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Die Sammlung des Schuhmuseums Lausanne umfasst Reproduktionen von Schuhen und Lederaccessoires unterschiedlichen Alters aus ganz Europa. Die Sammlung umfasst mehr als 400 Beispi...

  • e-manuscripta.ch, the digital platform for manuscript material from Swiss lib...

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The presentation platform e-manuscripta.ch provides Swiss libraries and archives with a presentation tool for digitised manuscripts of all kinds. The spectrum ranges from text m...

  • RTS TV and Radio Broadcasts

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Metadata about all RTS TV and Radio Broadcasts from 1935 until now. This includes more than 350'000 shows and covers all RTS audio and video channels : RTS 1, RTS 2, La Première...

  • Selection of photographs collected by the archaeologist Albert Naef

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Regioni e città, Economia e finanze

    In partnership with Wikimedia CH, the Archives cantonales vaudoises have uploaded a selection of photographies collected by the archaeologist Albert Naef to Wikimedia Commons on...

  • Ernst Klöti Slides collection - ZB Solothurn

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Regioni e città, Economia e finanze

    Ernst Klöti, working as a teacher in the municipalities of Aeschi and Luterbach in the canton of Solothurn, Switzerland, took photographs of the canton and other regions on slid...

  • Swiss Theatre Metadata

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The Swiss theatre metadata gathered by the Swiss Theatre Collection contains information about ca. 55’000 professional theatre productions in Switzerland, mainly from the mid-20...

  • Metadata of the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Different sets of meta-data are available concerning the Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (HDS), such as article lists for different categories and languages, authority file...

  • Manuscripts in the holding of the Municipal Library Schaffhausen

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    This collection includes high-quality reproductions of the medieval manuscripts in the Municipal Library Schaffhausen.

  • Linked Swissbib (contents from Swiss libraries as Linked Open Data)

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Swissbib gathers metadata from more than 900 libraries in Switzerland and therefore contains the description of more than 25 million documents. The metadata describing these doc...

  • Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland

    Istruzione, cultura e sport, Governo e settore pubblico, Regioni e città, Ambiente, Economia e finanze

    The DDS are a research project aiming to edit key documents on Swiss foreign relations. The editors provide researchers and practitioners with official sources in printed and di...

  • Ehrenreich Collection Database

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Leroy Allan Ehrenreich (1929-2016) was an opera enthousiast from New York who left behind a sizable collection of (live) recordings of opera performances and recitals. Since 201...

  • Medieval manuscripts in the Basel University Library

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    This collection includes high-quality reproductions of more than 70 of the medieval manuscripts in the Basel University Library. Most of the manuscripts were written in the l...

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  • Bilder im Stadtarchiv Baden

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Das Stadtarchiv Baden hat ca. 5000 (Stand Dezember 2016) digitalisierte Abbildungen von digitalisiertem Material in den Sammlungen vom historischen Museum von Baden und der Sta...

  • Metadaten Poststellenchroniken

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Der OpenRefine-Datensatz enthält einen Auszug der Archivdatenbank mit Metadaten zu den im PTT-Archiv aufbewahrten Poststellenchroniken. Die Poststellenchroniken Enthalten gesamm...

  • Tessin literary map

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Geolocated quotes and places related to author of books from and about Tessin

  • Metadata of swisscollections, the gateway to historical and modern collection...

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    swisscollections is the gateway to historical and modern collections in Swiss libraries and archives. In swisscollections, you can find archive material (including unpublished p...

  • Gramophone Collection - Swiss National Sound Archives

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Gramophone is a project of the Swiss National Sound Archives, which aims to safeguard and enhance a number of historical sound recordings (on cylinders and 78rpm records) preser...

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  • Metadata of PARC - Portal for African Research Collections

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    [PARC](https://parc-portal.org) is the meta-catalogue for the Africana collections at the research location Basel. It contains more than 250'000 objects, books, photographs, pos...

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