Stromversorgungssicherheit: Netzebene 7 (UR)
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Energia, Regioni e città, Ambiente
Die Versorgungsgebiete bezeichnen und bestimmen die Netzgebiete der im Kanton Uri tätigen Stromnetzbetreiber gemäss Stromversorgungsgesetz (StromVG) Ein Netzgebiet ist die räuml...
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Energia, Regioni e città, Ambiente
Das Regenwasser soll möglichst am Ort seines Anfalls über grosse Flächen und in kleinen Mengen abgeführt werden. Optimal ist die Versickerung über natürliche, unbefestigte Fläch...
Stauanlagen unter kant. Aufsicht (UR)
Istruzione, cultura e sport, Energia, Regioni e città, Ambiente
Stauanlagen sind Einrichtungen zum Aufstau oder zur Speicherung von Wasser oder Schlamm. In diesem Geobasisdatensatz werden Stauanlagen unter kantonaler Aufsicht verwaltet. Eine...
Nanoplastics in forests: Exploring the effects of nanoplastics on forest soil...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The fate of plastic in the environment is of global concern, because its production recently has increased strongly and it accumulates in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Alt...
Electrodermal Activity (EDA) of Bi-cultural Visitors In Virtual Park Settings
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This repository contains data on EDA measurements of visitors with different cultural backgrounds in virtual urban park settings. The parks are a Persian garden (Shiraz, Iran) a...
Distributed Acoustic Sensing Brienz
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This dataset contains the Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), radar detection data used for training and result analysis in the GRL paper titled `Automatic Monitoring of Rock-Sl...
Profile measurements of snow transport and micrometeorology at Mizuho Station...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This data was collected at Mizuho Station (44.315°E, 70.71°S, 2230 m a.s.l.), East Antarctica, from **30 September to 22 November 2000** during the 41st Japanese Antarctic resea...
EnviDat Supports Open Science
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The article "EnviDat Supports Open Science" originally appeared in WSLintern No. 3 (2020), page 14-15 and it is republished here with permission from the WSLintern editorial tea...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The dataset "RoRCC" consists of simulation-based results on climate change impacts on Alpine RoR power production; it is based on 21 Swiss RoR power plants, with a total product...
Land use/cover dynamics in Austin metropolitan area since 1992
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The present dataset is part of the published scientific paper Zhao C, Weng Q, Hersperger A M. Characterizing the 3-D urban morphology transformation to understand urban-form dyn...
MOSAIC Snow on Sea Ice Data
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Data accompanying David Wagners' Dissertation. Covers model results and various input from ALPINE3D and SNOWPACK adjusted for sea ice during MOSAiC.
Nutrient sustainability in beech forests
Istruzione, cultura e sport
With this study, our aim was to estimate the nutrient fluxes relevant for assessing nutrient sustainability as accurately as possible and to calculate nutrient balances for alte...
A dataset of 40000 trees with section-wise measured stem diameter and length ...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The data presented here were prepared for publication in form of a data paper. The dataset presents an update of the information in Didion M, Herold A, Vulovic Z, Nitzsche J, St...
Tree-ring laser ablation data
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This dataset contains the values of several chemical elements (Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Tl, Pb, Bi) measured in the latewood of tree rings o...
Spatially explicit data to evaluate spatial planning outcomes in a coastal re...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The present dataset is part of the published scientific paper entitled “The role of spatial planning in land change: An assessment of urban planning and nature conservation effi...
Figures perspective urban beekeeping
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Data and code from the perspective paper "When honeybees comes to town" The .r file provides the code to generate the figures. In addition, this repository contains the data fo...
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The specific surface area (SSA) of different snow types were measured with the IceCube instrument and the Scanco Medical microCT 40. In addition, the snow particles created duri...
Plant species list from 1775 and 2020 for Uetliberg Zürich
Istruzione, cultura e sport
The list gives the clearly identifiable plant species from Schinz (1775). Die Reise auf den Uetliberg. Verlag des Waysenhauses, Zürich). Several species given in Schinz (1775) a...
Potential driving factors of urban transformations of Austin over 25 years
Istruzione, cultura e sport
In this study, the Austin metropolitan area, Texas, U.S., one of the fastest urban transformations and transformations regions, is selected to test the hypothesis that spatial p...
Niche partitioning between wild bees and honeybees
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Cities are socio-ecological systems that filter and select species, thus establishing unique species assemblages and biotic interactions. Urban ecosystems can host richer wild b...
Global species distributions for mammals, reptiles, and amphibians
Istruzione, cultura e sport
We modelled the global distribution of 730 amphibian, 1276 reptile, and 1961 mammal species globally as a function of current climate at a 0.5° spatial resolution using four dif...
Non-Binary Environmental Archive Data (NEAD) format
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Acknowledgement: The NEAD format includes NetCDF metadata and is proudly inspired by both SMET and NetCDF formats. NEAD is designed as a long-term data preservation and exchange...
Optimizing renewable energy siting in the Swiss landscape
Istruzione, cultura e sport
This study examines the siting scenarios for renewable energy infrastructure (REI) in Switzerland, incorporating the external costs of ecosystem services and, innovatively, soci...
Larval food composition of four wild bee species in five European cities
Istruzione, cultura e sport
Urbanization poses threats and opportunities for the biodiversity of wild bees. A main gap relates to the food preferences of wild bees in urban ecosystems, which usually harbou...