41 datasets found

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  • energiedashboard: Production and availability of nuclear power plants

    Energy, Government and public sector, Environment, Science and technology

    Production of nuclear power plants in Switzerland and France, including the impact of planned shutdowns and unplanned outages on available output.

    • CSV
  • Gebäudeprogramm: Jahresbericht und Jahresstatistik

    Population and society, Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    Seit 2010 motiviert Das Gebäudeprogramm Eigentümer/-innen, mit der energetischen Sanierung ihrer Liegenschaft einen konkreten Beitrag zur Energieeffizienz und zum Klimaschutz zu...

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  • energiedashboard.ch: Gas storage levels EU

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    <p>Gas storage facilities play an important role in the security of gas supply in winter, when most gas is consumed. Over the year, Switzerland covers around 15% of its energy n...

    • CSV
  • Charging points for electric cars

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Energy, Government and public sector, Regions and cities, Environment, Transport, Economy and finance

    Electric mobility is a key technology for more sustainable mobility and is one way of achieving ambitious energy and climate policy goals. Electric engines are efficient, and us...

    • JSON
  • energiedashboard.ch: Power consumption forecast SDSC

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    The electricity consumption model outputs an estimate of electricity consumption at the Swiss national scale. The model is trained on data from the following sources: hourly nat...

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  • energiedashboard.ch: Daily import and export flows (Gas)

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    <p>Net import is the daily difference between the total gas flows into Switzerland and the gas flows from Switzerland to neighbouring countries.</p> <p>Gas is imported into Swit...

    • CSV
  • energiedashboard.ch: Energy prices

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    <p>Energy prices on the markets are an important indicator of the current market and supply situation in Europe and Switzerland. Supply (production) is combined here with demand...

    • CSV
  • energiedashboard.ch: Electricity production Swissgrid

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    <p>In Switzerland, there are a large number of power plants that produce electrical energy (electricity). In terms of production, a distinction is made between the categories of...

    • CSV
  • energiedashboard.ch: Daily import and export flows (Electricity)

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    <p>Electricity grids are of central importance as a link between production and consumption to ensure the security of electricity supply. Switzerland's electricity grid does not...

    • CSV
  • energiedashboard.ch: Electricity consumption Swissgrid

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    <p>The national consumption of Switzerland, including the consumption of the storage pumps of the pumped storage power plants, is an important indicator with regard to the elect...

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  • Füllungsgrad der Speicherseen, Sonntag 24h, Wochenbericht Speicherinhalt

    Energy, Government and public sector, Environment, Economy and finance

    Der Füllungsgrad der Speicherseen, Sonntag 24h, Wochenbericht Speicherinhalt gibt Auskunft über den Speicherinhalt der Schweizer Speicherseen für vier Regionen in GWh und als Fü...

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  • Schweizerische Elektrizitätsstatistik: Schweizerische Elektrizitätsbilanz - M...

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    Die Schweizerische Elektrizitätsbilanz - Monatswerte gibt Auskunft über Produktion, Import / Export und Verbrauch von Elektrizität in der Schweiz auf monatlicher Basis. Bei der ...

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  • Monatliche Heizgradtage in der Schweiz (gewichtet)

    Energy, Government and public sector, Environment

    Die Heizgradtage ergeben sich aus der Summe der täglichen Abweichungen der mittleren Aussentemperatur von einer Raumtemperatur von 20°C, und zwar an jenen Tagen, an denen die mi...

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  • Wochenstatistik Elektrizitätsbilanz - Erzeugung und Abgabe elektrischer Energ...

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    Die Wochenstatistik Elektrizitätsbilanz - Erzeugung und Abgabe elektrischer Energie in der Schweiz gibt Auskunft über Produktion, Import / Export und Verbrauch von Elektrizität ...

    • CSV
  • Referenz-Marktpreise gemäss Art. 15, EnFV

    Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    Der Referenz-Marktpreis ist für die Festlegung der Einspeiseprämie für Erzeugungsanlagen mit Einspeisevergütung massgebend. Der Referenz-Marktpreis für Elektrizität aus Photovol...

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  • One-time investment contributions for photovoltaic systems

    Energy, Government and public sector, Environment

    Since 2014, photovoltaic installations have been supported by a one-off payment (EIV). Depending on the output, the type of plant and the date of commissioning, a one-off contri...

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  • Key figures for new light commercial vehicles

    Energy, Government and public sector, Transport

    Since the 2020 reporting year, key figures for new vans and light articulated vehicles (collectively: light commercial vehicles, LCVs) have been evaluated by year and by canton....

    • CSV
  • Key figures for new passenger cars

    Energy, Government and public sector, Transport

    Since the 2014 reporting year, key figures for new passenger car registrations have been evaluated by year and by canton. For each canton, key figures such as the number of regi...

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  • Stand der Energiepolitik in den Kantonen

    Energy, Government and public sector

    Der Bericht enthält Informationen zur aktuellen Energiepolitik in den Kantonen sowie über deren Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Strategie, Gesetzgebung, indirekte und freiwillige M...

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  • Energieforschungsstatistik (EFstat)

    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    Das BFE erstellt jährlich die EFstat des Bundes, die Auskunft über die Aufwendungen der mit öffentlichen Mitteln finanzierten Energieforschung sowie eine detaillierte Zusammenst...

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