Results tables external effects of transport
Health, Environment, Transport
Transport and mobility result in a range of costs and benefits. Some of these are felt directly by transport users: the costs of petrol or a rail ticket, or the benefit of getti...
Alpine Convention
Regions and cities, Environment
The perimeters of the Alpine Convention in Switzerland. The Alpine Convention is an international treaty between the eight Alpine countries: Germany, France, Italy, Liechtenstei...
Travel matrices by trip purpose for passenger traffic 2010
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel matrices by trip purpose for passenger traffic (public transport and personal transport) 2010 as text files. Source: [Swiss National Passenger Transport Model 2010 (www.a...
Travel matrices by trip purpose for passenger traffic 2040
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel matrices by trip purpose for passenger traffic (public transport and personal transport) 2040 as text files. Source: [Transport Outlook 2040](https://www.are.admin.ch/are...
Travel times and distances between zones for passenger traffic 2010
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel times and distances between zones for passenger traffic (public transport and personal transport) 2010 as text files. Source: [Swiss National Passenger Transport Model 20...
Travel times and distances between zones for passenger traffic 2040
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel times and distances between zones for passenger traffic (public transport and personal transport) 2040 as text files. Source: [Transport Outlook 2040](https://www.are.adm...
Travel times and distances in Switzerland for passenger traffic 2017
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel times (in minutes) and distances (in kiometres) on the road and by public transport (PT) in Switzerland for 2017 at the level of traffic zones (7978 traffic zones) and at...
Impedance matrices of demand 2017
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Impedance matrices of the National Passenger Transport Model 2017 for car, public transport (PT) and bicycle, in binary format (VISUM format). Matrices for car: time in the non-...
Travel matrices for passenger traffic and for freight traffic 2017
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel matrices for passenger traffic (public transport, personal transport, biking and walking) and for freight traffic (road only) 2017 for the average traffic on week days (M...
Transport Outlook 2040
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
The key indicators of trends in passenger and freight transport, as well as the underlying socioeconomic data, are available as Excel tables. The person and tonne kilometres, as...
VISUM supply models 2017
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
National Passenger Transport Model 2017: VISUM supply models (as VISUM version files) [1] of the average weekday traffic (Monday to Friday) for cars, public transport (PT) and b...