3 datasets found

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  • Bathing water quality (ods)

    Health, Environment

    The assessment of bathing waters is made on the basis of hygienic quality using E.coli and intestinal enterococci. They provide indications on the effectiveness of water protect...

    • ODS
  • Traffic noise pollution (ods)

    Environment, Transport

    The sonBASE noise database was developed over a period of several years and has been available to users since 2009. It is based on the Topographic Landscape Model TLM. Other geo...

    • ODS
  • Grosse Hochwasserabflüsse in der Schweiz


    Verzeichnis grosser Hochwasserabflüsse in schweizerischen Einzugsgebieten, zusammengestellt von der Scherrer AG im Auftrag des BAFU. Daten ab 1900, einzelne Werte von früher.

    • ODS