In-situ soil moisture measurements Napf-region
Education, culture and sport
In the context of landslide early warning research, soil moisture (e.g. volumetric soil water content and soil water potential) has been measured at six locations in the Napf-re...
Elk and bison carcasses in Yellowstone, USA
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Risch, A.C., Frossard, A., Schütz, M., Frey, B., Morris, A.W., Bump, J.K. (ac...
Re-analyzed regional avalanche danger levels in Switzerland
Education, culture and sport
The data set contains the re-analyzed (or quality-checked) regional avalanche danger levels (D_QC) for Switzerland. D_QC relates to dry-snow avalanche conditions only. Measuri...
Amphibian observation and pond data (Aargau, Switzerland)
Education, culture and sport
In the canton of Aargau, hundreds of new ponds have been constructed since the 1990s to benefit declining amphibian populations. This dataset consists of monitoring data for all...
Soil organic carbon stock of an afforestation sequence on a subalpine pasture
Education, culture and sport
This data set provides soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and stable carbon isotope (13C) values of mineral soil (0-45cm), organic horizons (Oi, Oe, Oa), and root biomass of a...
Ecosystem coupling and multifunctionality - exclosure experiment
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: > Risch AC, Ochoa-Hueso R, van der Putten WH, Bump JK, Busse MD, Frey B, Gwia...
Shading by Trees and Fractional Snow Cover Control the Subcanopy Radiation Bu...
Education, culture and sport
This data set consists of incoming and outgoing short- and longwave radiation as well as sunlit-snow-view-fraction as described in the JGR-Atmospheres paper "Shading by trees an...
Native and no-native plant interactions in Australian grasslands
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains all data, on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: _Schlierenzauer, C., Risch, A.C., Schütz, M., Firn, J. 2021. Non-native Erag...
Raw data-Publication cross-resistance in ash - New Phytologist
Education, culture and sport
What are the research data files about: Raw data on perfomance (dry weight, development and mortality) of emerald ash borer larvae used in published bioassays. Raw data on ash ...
Resurveyed vegetation releves of beech forests in the Swiss Jura Mountains
Education, culture and sport
This dataset comprised 254 historical (1937 – 1948) and resurveyed (2019 – 2022) vegetation relevés of beech-dominated forests sites in the Swiss Jura mountains. The data contai...
Daten Bryolich-Projekt Moose und Flechten in Gärten
Education, culture and sport
Im Rahmen des Bryolich-Projekts “Moose und Flechten in Gärten” wurden möglichst vollständige Artenlisten von Moosen und Flechten in 26 bzw. 7 Gärten um Wohnhäuser erstellt. In 5...
Soil property maps for the Swiss forest
Education, culture and sport
We used 2071 forest soil profiles to model a wide range of soil properties for the forested area of Switzerland. The spatial prediction is based on the principle of «digital soi...
Short-term Drainage Density Dynamics Dataset for the Erlenbach Catchment
Education, culture and sport
The dataset contains time series of water levels, precipitation measured in the two sub-catchments of the Erlenbach catchment and its vicinity during summer and autumn 2021, as ...
MadCrypto – Bryophyte and macrolichen diversity in laurel forests of Madeira
Education, culture and sport
This dataset includes species lists of bryophytes and macrolichens (presence/absence) sampled on the forest floor and on trees in disturbed and undisturbed plots along elevation...
Raw data - Artificial night light intensity modulates herbivory and phytochem...
Education, culture and sport
Raw data on plant morphological traits, phytochemistry and herbivory that were analyzed in the study entitled: Artificial night light intensity modulates herbivory and phytochem...
Evaluating the predictive performance of human avalanche forecasts and model ...
Education, culture and sport
This data set was used in the analysis by Techel et al. *Forecasting avalanche danger: human-made forecasts vs. fully automated model-driven predictions*, submitted to *Natural ...
Grassland restoration: nematodes and plant communities
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: > Resch, M.C., Schütz, M., Graf, U., Wagenaar, R., van der Putten, W.H., Risc...
Base cation dynamics in an Oriental beech forest
Education, culture and sport
Throughfall, litterflow and soil solution were sampled during one whole year under five Oriental beech trees in a mixed Hyrcanian beech forest. The amounts of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and...
Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset
Education, culture and sport
The Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset includes values for 65 biological and ecological traits and 25 bioclimatic variables for all 1816 bryophytes included in the Europe...
Dataset on PV Production in Snow Covered Mountains
Education, culture and sport
Overview The SUNWELL Modelling Environment is a combination of data and code that models electricity production from satellite-derived irradiance data and other spatial data se...