Environmental DNA Marine France Calanques 2021
Education, culture and sport
Description: Fish environmental DNA data set collected in 2021 in the Calanques National Park The eDNA samples were collected in 2021 in two locations (Moyades, M−FPA and “Impér...
Induced Rockfall Dataset (Small Rock Experimental Campaign), Tschamut, Grison...
Education, culture and sport
Dataset of an experimental campaign of induced rockfall in Tschamut, Grisons, Switzerland. The data archive contains site specific geographical data such as DEM and orthophot...
High resolution climate data for Europe
Education, culture and sport
High-resolution information on climatic conditions is essential to many applications in environmental and ecological sciences. Here we present downscaled climate data for the CO...
Fire Weather Index for Hydrological Bavaria from 1980-2099 derived from the 5...
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains the Fire Weather Index for Hydrological Bavaria from 1980 - 2099 as stated in the paper "Climate change impacts on regional fire weather in heterogeneous l...
Data set on interfacial supercooling and the precipitation of hydrohalite in ...
Education, culture and sport
Laboratory experiments are presented on the phase change at the surface of sodium chloride – water mixtures at temperatures between 259 K and 240 K. High selectivity to the uppe...
Environmental DNA Marine France Evhoe 2020
Education, culture and sport
Environmental DNA complements scientific trawling in surveys of marine fish biodiversity (Dataset 2020) In October 2020 we chose 16 sites from the 2020 EVHOE survey for eDNA sa...
Replication files for "Integrating biodiversity: A longitudinal and cross-sec...
Education, culture and sport
Introduction The ZIP file contains all data and code to replicate the analyses reported in the following paper. Reber, U., Fischer, M., Ingold, K., Kienast, F., Hersperger, A...
Photogrammetric Drone Data Wolfgang Arelen
Education, culture and sport
We conducted four drone flights in Davos Wolfgang Arelen, in 2020/21 and 2022 to obtain data for the generation of DSMs and orthomosaics at a high resolution. The data was proce...
Photogrammetric Drone Data Latschuelfurgga
Education, culture and sport
To map and assess snow depth on different dates, 9 flights were conducted in the winter season of 2020/21 at the Latschüelfurgga in Davos. The data was captured with a Sony RX1R...
Vegetation Height Model NFI
Education, culture and sport
A national vegetation height model was calculated for Switzerland using digital aerial images. We used the stereo aerial images acquired by the Federal Office of Topography swis...
lsUDPS Large-scale urban development projects in European urban regions
Education, culture and sport
Table of Content: 1. General context of the data set "lsUDPs" ; 2. Background and aims of the study using the data set lsUDPs; 3. The data set lsUDPs: 3.1 Selection of cases and...
Dataset for OGRS 2018 publication
Education, culture and sport
This dataset contains the road and plot data used for the geospatial analysis example showcased in "Fostering Open Science at WSL with the EnviDat Environmental Data Portal", a ...
Othmarsingen, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long...
Education, culture and sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
Pfynwald 2019 - Dendrochronological and tree-ring isotope dataset
Education, culture and sport
Data from a 17-year-long irrigation experiment (Pfynwald, Switzerland) in a naturally dry forest dominated by 100-year-old pine trees (Pinus sylvestris). This dataset includes m...
Beatenberg, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-t...
Education, culture and sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
Amphibian observation and pond data (Aargau, Switzerland)
Education, culture and sport
In the canton of Aargau, hundreds of new ponds have been constructed since the 1990s to benefit declining amphibian populations. This dataset consists of monitoring data for all...
IRKIS Soil moisture measurements Davos
Education, culture and sport
Meteorological and soil moisture measurements from soil moisture stations installed from October 2010 - October 2013 in the area surrounding Davos, in particular in the Dischma ...
Seilaplan Tutorial: DTM download with SwissGeoDownloader
Education, culture and sport
In order to use the QGIS plugin ‘Seilaplan’ for digital cable line planning, a digital terrain model (DTM) is required. The plugin ‘Swiss Geo Downloader’, which is available for...
Phytodiversity is associated with habitat heterogeneity from Eurasia to Hengduan
Education, culture and sport
This research data is used to re includes 1 km resolution seed plant species range maps for the Hengduan mountain region (southwest China), elevation information for each specie...
Simulated avalanche problem types and seismic avalanche activity around Weiss...
Education, culture and sport
Avalanche problem types were derived from snow cover simulations with the models Crocus and SNOWPACK at the Weissfluhjoch study plot, Davos, CH. The data include annual frequenc...