Figures perspective urban beekeeping
Education, culture and sport
Data and code from the perspective paper "When honeybees comes to town" The .r file provides the code to generate the figures. In addition, this repository contains the data fo...
Larval food composition of four wild bee species in five European cities
Education, culture and sport
Urbanization poses threats and opportunities for the biodiversity of wild bees. A main gap relates to the food preferences of wild bees in urban ecosystems, which usually harbou...
Ecological properties of urban ecosystems. Biodiversity dataset of Zurich
Education, culture and sport
Richness, site occurrence and abundance data of bees, beetles, birds, hoverflies, net-wingeds, true bugs, snails, spiders, milipides, wasps collected in the city of Zurich using...
Community structure, life-history traits and performance traits of urban cavi...
Education, culture and sport
Background Urban ecosystems are associated with socio-ecological conditions that can filter and promote taxa. However, the strength of the effect of ecological filtering on bio...
Data on interaction diversity in urban gardens
Education, culture and sport
The data supports the paper "Local and landscape factors shape alpha and beta trophic interaction diversity in urban gardens". It provides: (1) the host-natural enemy interacti...
Electrodermal Activity (EDA) of Bi-cultural Visitors In Virtual Park Settings
Education, culture and sport
This repository contains data on EDA measurements of visitors with different cultural backgrounds in virtual urban park settings. The parks are a Persian garden (Shiraz, Iran) a...