Goats - Ear tag orders
Total orders of ear tags per year divided into new double ear tags, additional markings and replacement ear tags, orders from Liechtenstein included.
Equids - Exports by sex
Number of notified exports of equids by sex.
Cattle - Evolution of notifications
Increase and decrease of the cattle population in the AMD (notifications from Liechtenstein included). Increasing notifications contain the categories birth, import, and import ...
Cats - Deaths
Number of deaths of registered cats (including notifications from Liechtenstein).
Sheep - Ear tag orders
Total orders of ear tags per year divided into new double ear tags, additional markings and replacement ear tags, orders from Liechtenstein included.
Equids - Exports by breed
Number of notified exports of equids by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv).
Equids - Slaughters
Number of slaughters by equid types over time.
Equids - Exports to countries
Number of notified exports of equids by country of destination. All remaining countries are grouped under the term "Further countries". The complete list is available when downl...
Equids - Imports by equid types
Number of notified imports of equids by equid types.
Dogs - Evolution of notifications
Increase and decrease of the dog population (notifications from Liechtenstein and from abroad included). Increasing notifications contain the categories standard registration, l...
Cattle - Animal history
The animal history status indicates whether the movement history of an animal of the species cattle, buffalo, bison, sheep or goat is complete and error-free. Status “OK”: the a...
Sheep - Evolution of notifications
Increase and decrease of the sheep population in the AMD (notifications from Liechtenstein included). Increasing notifications contain the categories birth, import, and import a...
Sheep - Animal history
The animal history status indicates whether the movement history of an animal of the species cattle, buffalo, bison, sheep or goat is complete and error-free. Status “OK”: the a...
Equids - Deaths
Number of deaths (without euthanasia) by equid types over time. The notifications on deaths and euthanasia may be affected by inaccuracies.
Equids - Imports by breed
Number of notified imports of equids by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv).
Equids - Imports
Number of notified imports of equids. Information on contingents can be found in the glossary.
Equids - Imports by country
Number of notified imports of equids by country. All remaining countries are grouped under the term "Further countries". The complete list is available when downloading the data.
Equids - Imports by canton
Number of notified imports of equids by canton.
Equids - Exports by equid types
Number of notified exports of equids by equid types.
Equids - Euthanasia
Number of euthanasia by equid types over time.
Cattle - Ear tag orders
Total orders of ear tags per year divided into new double ear tags and replacement ear tags, orders from Liechtenstein included.
Equids - Imports by sex
Number of notified imports of equids by sex.
Equids - Exports by canton
Number of notified exports of equids by canton of origin.
Goats - Evolution of notifications
Increase and decrease of the population in the AMD (notifications from Liechtenstein included). Increasing notifications contain the goat categories birth, import, and import af...
Equids - Exports
Number of notified exports of equids. Information on contingents can be found in the glossary.