112 datasets found

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  • Medieval manuscripts in the Zentralbibliothek Solothurn

    Education, culture and sport

    The Zentralbibliothek Solothurn holds an important collection of manuscripts predominantly from the later Middle Ages. The more than 100 codices are not only from Solothurn mona...

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  • International Telecommunication Union History Portal Metadata

    Education, culture and sport, Justice, legal system and public safety, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    For a century and a half since 1865, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has been at the centre of advances in communications – from telegraphy through to the modern...

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  • Swiss Theatre Metadata

    Education, culture and sport

    The Swiss theatre metadata gathered by the Swiss Theatre Collection contains information about ca. 55’000 professional theatre productions in Switzerland, mainly from the mid-20...

  • The Stapfer-Enquête: schooling in Switzerland 1799

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport

    Database containing the results of the Stapfer-Enquête: The Stapfer-Enquête is a unique survey of the school situation in the Helvetic Republic dating from 1799. It was initiate...

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  • Official Compilation of Federal Legislation (BS / AS) 1948-2018

    Justice, legal system and public safety

    The data comprise the Official Compilation (AS) including the Revised Compilation (BS). The AS is the organ of publication for enactments of the Confederation that have entered ...

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  • List of all Exhibitions at Kunsthaus Zürich

    Education, culture and sport

    The Kunsthaus Zürich has been mounting temporary exhibitions for more than a century. Every year, the Kunsthaus Zürich holds an average of three exhibitions in the Great Exhibit...

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  • Swiss Photography Metadata

    Education, culture and sport

    The database serves as a finding aid for photography collections and estates in Switzerland. Please note that the biographical texts and the texts covering institutions and hold...

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  • Ernst Klöti Slides collection - ZB Solothurn

    Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities, Economy and finance

    Ernst Klöti, working as a teacher in the municipalities of Aeschi and Luterbach in the canton of Solothurn, Switzerland, took photographs of the canton and other regions on slid...

  • Selection of photographs collected by the archaeologist Albert Naef

    Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities, Economy and finance

    In partnership with Wikimedia CH, the Archives cantonales vaudoises have uploaded a selection of photographies collected by the archaeologist Albert Naef to Wikimedia Commons on...

  • RTS TV and Radio Broadcasts

    Education, culture and sport

    Metadata about all RTS TV and Radio Broadcasts from 1935 until now. This includes more than 350'000 shows and covers all RTS audio and video channels : RTS 1, RTS 2, La Première...

  • e-manuscripta.ch, the digital platform for manuscript material from Swiss lib...

    Education, culture and sport

    The presentation platform e-manuscripta.ch provides Swiss libraries and archives with a presentation tool for digitised manuscripts of all kinds. The spectrum ranges from text m...

  • Photographs of Items from the Musée Bolo's Collection

    Education, culture and sport

    The Musée Bolo is an exhibition at the School of Computer And Communication Sciences at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne. Currently it houses arou...

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  • VSJF-Refugees Migration

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Justice, legal system and public safety, Government and public sector, Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    The VSJF-Refugees Migration data are an excerpt of the VSJF-database hosted at the Archives of Contemporary History, ETH Zurich. The database contains data sets of refugees whic...

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  • Bibliographic data of IUCN's publications and grey literature

    Education, culture and sport, Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    IUCN is the International Union for Conservation of Nature, with its headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. The dataset contains bibliographic data of IUCN's publications and grey ...

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  • Photos of shoes in the collection of the Shoe Museum Lausanne

    Education, culture and sport

    The Shoe Museum Lausanne's collection tells the story of footwear across Europe through the ages. Its collection consists of more than 400 examples (mainly reconstructions based...

  • Geneva Conventions

    Justice, legal system and public safety, Government and public sector

    The first Geneva Convention “for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field”, was signed 150 years ago, on 22 August 1864. The original document fro...

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  • Federal consultations 1960-1991

    Justice, legal system and public safety

    Metadata on consultation procedures completed between 1960 and 1991. The list links to the overview of consultation procedures completed since 1992, which is maintained online b...

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  • State financial statements / federal budget: receipts and expenditure of the ...

    Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    In the state financial statements, the Federal Council details the receipts of the federal administration for the previous year and accounts for its expenditure. The Federal...

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  • Photographs of historical railway bridges (ca. 1882-1966)

    Education, culture and sport, Transport

    This collection includes photographs of bridges in the Swiss Federal Railways' former Kreis II. They were taken around the period from 1882 to 1966. The Kreis II had its adminis...

    • TIFF
  • eBooks on demand (EOD)

    Education, culture and sport

    eBooks on Demand is a document delivery service at a charge, enabling the order of complete electronic copies of copyright-free books published between 17th century and 1914.

    • XML
  • Items from the Collections of the Historical Museum Basel

    Education, culture and sport

    Since 2014, the Basel Historical Museum is making high-quality, high-resolution images of items from its collections available on Wikimedia Commons. In fall 2014, a first set of...

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  • Biographical data on artists from SIKART Lexicon on art in Switzerland

    Education, culture and sport

    SIKART Lexicon on art in Switzerland is an online dictionary on historical and contemporary art, published by the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA). Richly illustrated...

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  • Photos by Documenta Natura (1987–2010)

    Education, culture and sport, Environment, Transport

    The pictures of the Documenta Natura Foundation, which existed from 1987-2010, made it their business to photographically document changes in the Swiss landscape. The photograph...

    • JSON
  • Bildersammlung Annemarie Schwarzenbach

    Education, culture and sport

    Annemarie Schwarzenbach, 1908 in Zürich geboren, 1942 in Sils gestorben, gehört zu den herausragenden Schweizer Reporterinnen der 1930er und 1940er Jahre. Sie bezeichnete sich s...

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  • Eduard Spelterini image collection

    Education, culture and sport

    Between 1890 and 1910 Eduard Spelterini (1852-1931) undertook a number of travels by balloon over Switzerland and other countries. While doing this, he took photographs from ab...

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