Photos from the Max Frisch Archive
Education, culture and sport
The image database for the Max Frisch Archive comprises roughly 4,000 images that document the life of Max Frisch in photographic form and give a comprehensive insight into the ...
Archive database of the Swiss Federal Archives
Government and public sector
Metadata of the fonds in the Swiss Federal Archives. Currently the metadata of 3.84 million files and 257'000 documents are available online (august 2020). Including over 25’000...
Fonds overview: Federal State since 1848
Government and public sector
The fonds overview of the Swiss Federal Archives’ database guides users within the holdings of the Federal State since 1848 (main department E). It offers an easy starting point...
Archives holdings metadata
Education, culture and sport
The Archives Portal Europe provides access to information on archival material from the following Swiss archives via its website and API as well as information on archival insti...
Digitized rare books in the Basel University Library
Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector, Regions and cities, Transport
Over 6.000 prints (books, maps or music prints) from the Basel University Library from the 15th to the 19th century, including a lot of early prints from the 16th century.
Index général de la correspondance du Musée d'Ethnographie (1900-1952)
Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector
Index d'environ 30'000 lettres écrites et reçues par le Musée d'Ethnographie entre 1900 et 1952. On y retrouve les noms de tous les correspondants, ainsi que leur localisation g...
Maps from the collection “Magnificent Atlases” with title cartouches
Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities
A selection of about 1930 maps from the collection "[Magnificent Atlases: From the Beginnings to the Golden Age](https://www.e-rara.ch/atlanten/nav/classification/26780995)” wer...
Early modern travel literature
Education, culture and sport
Printed travelogues from the 16th to the 19th century shaped the ideas of foreign countries and continents. They informed, alienated and dramatised and thus satisfied the curios...
Digitized Images from Old Books about Africa
Education, culture and sport
2500+ images extracted from Old Books (1598-1907) about Africa with the corresponding metadata. You can browse the images in PARC (Portal for African Research Collections) : ...
Documents officiels numérisés de la Ville de Genève
Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector
La Ville de Genève a numérisé de nombreux documents qui sont disponibles sur le site web des archives de la Ville. Par exemple : - Mémorial des séances du Conseil municipal. G...
Photographs by Robert Breitinger
Education, culture and sport
Robert Breitinger-Wyder was a heating engineer and stove manufacturer in Zürich. At age 45, he took up the hobby of photography, like so many of the bourgeoisie in Zürich at tha...
Metadata of PARC - Portal for African Research Collections
Education, culture and sport
[PARC](https://parc-portal.org) is the meta-catalogue for the Africana collections at the research location Basel. It contains more than 250'000 objects, books, photographs, pos...
Metadata of Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève (MEG) collections
Education, culture and sport
This is the metadata of the collections of the Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève. You can browse the collections under <https://www.meg.ch/en/research-collections/catalogue-coll...
Historical Photos «Vues de la suisse» by Adolphe Braun & Cie.
Education, culture and sport, Transport, Economy and finance
In the middle of the 19th century Jean Adolphe Braun inspired the imagination of the European bourgeoisie with his photos. From the 1850s onwards, more and more people had the f...
Gramophone Collection - Swiss National Sound Archives
Education, culture and sport
Gramophone is a project of the Swiss National Sound Archives, which aims to safeguard and enhance a number of historical sound recordings (on cylinders and 78rpm records) preser...
Metadata of swisscollections, the gateway to historical and modern collection...
Education, culture and sport
swisscollections is the gateway to historical and modern collections in Swiss libraries and archives. In swisscollections, you can find archive material (including unpublished p...
Metadata of all concerts of the Montreux Jazz Festival
Education, culture and sport
This dataset describes all the concerts which take place at the Montreux Jazz Festival from 1967 until today. Please keep in mind that the work on this dataset is ongoing and im...
Tessin literary map
Education, culture and sport
Geolocated quotes and places related to author of books from and about Tessin
Chronicles of post offices
Education, culture and sport
Der OpenRefine-Datensatz enthält einen Auszug der Archivdatenbank mit Metadaten zu den im PTT-Archiv aufbewahrten Poststellenchroniken. Die Poststellenchroniken Enthalten gesamm...
Postcards with "post-auto"
Education, culture and sport
Der Datensatz enthält eine Auswahl an retrodigitalisierten Postautopostkarten aus den Beständen des PTT-Archivs. Diese unter der Signatur P-44-70 aufbewahrten Postkarten zeigen ...
Education, culture and sport
Der Datensatz enthält eine Auswahl an retrodigitalisierten Postkurskarten der schweizerischen PTT zwischen 1851 und 1941. Sie geben Auskunft über die Postverbindungen und die je...
Sammlung Europa, Museum der Kulturen Basel
Education, culture and sport
Das Museum der Kulturen Basel (MKB) ist das grösste ethnologische Museum der Schweiz und eines der bedeutendsten seiner Art in Europa. Seine Sammlung geniesst Weltruf und zählt ...
Photographs of Valais by Charles Rieder
Education, culture and sport
Tenancier du Café de Genève à Sion, Charles Rieder est aussi un étonnant photographe qui nous a laissé 243 négatifs sur plaques de verre, pris entre 1890 et 1920. Les sujets son...
Basic descriptive bibliographic and usage data of Lucernense collections 17.-...
Education, culture and sport
The Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern is the cantonal and academic library of the canton of Lucerne and holds in its collections, among others, publications from and about...
21st Century Swiss video games
Education, culture and sport
A table with information about (initially 21st Century, released) independent video games created by Swiss game developers or studios.