Cattle - Gestation type
The number and proportion of single and multiple births.
Cattle - Evolution by canton
Number of registered and living cattle by canton.
Cattle - Births by canton
Number of notified births of cattle by canton.
Cattle - Evolution by sex
Number of living and registered cattle sexes male and female (calfs, heifers, cows, bulls and steers).
Cattle - Evolution by agricultural zones
Number of registered and living cattle by agricultural zones.
Cattle - Births by sex
Number of notified births of cattle by sex (Literature 1, 2, 3, 4).
Cattle - Evolution by breed
Number of registered and living cattle by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv). Informat...
Cattle - Evolution of the cow population in Switzerland
Number of registered and living cows in Switzerland.
Cattle - Births by type of use
Number of notified births of cattle by type of use of the dam (dairy cow or other cow).
Cattle - Births
Number of notified cattle births.
Cattle - Stillbirths by type of use
Rate and absolute number of stillbirths by total number of births (live births plus stillbirths) and by type of use of the dam (dairy cow or other cow). Literature.
Cattle - Evolution in Switzerland and abroad
Number of registered and living cattle in Switzerland and in Liechtenstein.
Sheep - Births by type of use and sex
Number of notified births of sheep by type of use of the dam (dairy ewes or other ewes > 1 year of age) and sex - (Literature 1, 2, 3, 4).
Cattle - Evolution by type of use
Number of registered and living cattle by type of use (Dairy cow, other cow or not defined).
Cattle - Stillbirths
Rate and absolute number of stillbirths by total number of births (live births plus stillbirths). Literature.
Cattle - Stillbirths by sex
Rate and absolute number of stillbirths by total number of births (live births plus stillbirths) and by sex. Literature.
Cattle - Births by breed
Number of notified births of cattle by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv). Information...
Cattle - Evolution in Switzerland
Number of registered and living cattle in Switzerland.
Cattle - Distribution of births
Percentage distribution of births of registered cattle, subdivided by type of use of the dam (dairy cow or other cow).
Cattle - Age pyramid
Number of registered and living cattle by age category and sexes male and female (calfs, heifers, cows, bulls and steers).
Cattle - Births by type of use and sex
Number of notified births of cattle by type of use of the dam (dairy cow or other cow) and sex - (Literature 1, 2, 3, 4).
Cattle - Stillbirths by type of use and sex
Rate of stillbirths by total number of births (live births plus stillbirths), by sex and by type of use of the dam (dairy cow or other cow). Literature.