3 datasets found

Keywords: establishment-licence-holder Categories: Government and public sector Formats: XLS

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  • Licence holders of transplant products

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Health, Government and public sector

    Swissmedic issues establishment licences for TpP/GT according to the Therapeutic Products Act (TPA, SR 812.21) and the Medicinal Products Licensing Ordinance (MPLO, SR 812.212.1).

    • XLS
  • Establishment licences

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Health, Government and public sector

    Swissmedic issues establishment licences according to the Therapeutic Products Act (TPA, SR 812.21) and the Medicinal Products Licensing Ordinance (MPLO, SR 812.212.1) Establis...

    • XLS
  • Licences for microbiological laboratories

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Health, Government and public sector

    Pursuant to Art. 16 or the Epidemics Act (EpidA, SR 818.101), laboratories that perform microbiological analyses for the purpose of detecting or excluding transmissible diseases...

    • XLS
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