Tree measurements 2002-2016 from the long-term irrigation experiment Pfynwald...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
To study the performance of mature Scots pine (_Pinus sylvestris_ L.) under chronic drought conditions in comparison to their immediate physiological response to drought release...
Base cation dynamics in an Oriental beech forest
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Throughfall, litterflow and soil solution were sampled during one whole year under five Oriental beech trees in a mixed Hyrcanian beech forest. The amounts of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and...
Experts survey protective forest and combined extremes in Val Mesolcina
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This dataset contains the results of a case study analysing the potential impacts of a compound meteorological extreme event on the protective forest in the Val Mesolcina. These...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Data on soil nutrients and charcteristics, tree and understory biomass, foliage nutrients, mineralogy, soil temperature and moisture along an elevation gradient from boreal fore...
Soil respiration - exclosure experiment
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Location of data collection The Swiss National Park (SNP) is located in the southeastern part of Switzerland, and covers an area of 170 km2, 50 km2 of which is forested, 33 km2 ...
DISCHMEX - Impact of extreme land-surface heterogeneity on micrometeorology o...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This dataset contains eddy-covariance measurements in the ablation period of 2014-2016. Measurements were taken from two turbulence towers over a long-lasting snow patch, which ...
Long-term recovery of above-and belowground interactions in restored grasslands
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This dataset contains all data, on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: _Resch, M.C., Schütz, M., Ochoa-Hueso, R., Buchmann, N., Frey, B., Graf, U.,...
Factors influencing teenagers' forest visit frequency
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The data results from a questionnaire survey conducted at 8 schools in the cantons Zurich, Aargau and St. Gallen. Respondents aged 13-22 years. The aim of the survey was to gain...
Sample plot inventory data form the Parc Naturel du Jorat
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The Jorat is one of the largest continously forested areas in the Swiss Plateau. On a forested area of 778 ha, the Parc Naturel du Jorat (PNJ), a periurban parc, has been establ...
Information on soil based on the soil dependency of the FOEN red list species
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Frey B., Maurer C., Schneider K. (2023) Informationen zum Boden anhand der Geb...
DISCHMEX - Meteorological measurements
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Meteorological measurements recorded in the Dischma valley from 2014-2016. In 2014 and 2015 we used 11 mobile weather stations from sensorscope to record meteorological paramete...
Data-set for prediction of natural dry-snow avalanche activity and avalanche ...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The data set contained in this repository was used in the analysis by Mayer et al. (2023): Mayer, S. I., Techel, F., Schweizer, J., and van Herwijnen, A.: Prediction of natural ...
Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset includes values for 65 biological and ecological traits and 25 bioclimatic variables for all 1816 bryophytes included in the Europe...
Legacy effects of premature defoliation in response to an extreme drought eve...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
What are the research data files about: Raw data on various beech (Fagus sylvatica) leaf traits. Beech leaf chemistry (primary and specialized metabolites), leaf damage measure...
Nutrient sustainability in beech forests
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
With this study, our aim was to estimate the nutrient fluxes relevant for assessing nutrient sustainability as accurately as possible and to calculate nutrient balances for alte...
Impact of non-native tree species in Europe on soil properties and biodiversi...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Compiled data on the impacts of seven important NNTs (Acacia dealbata, Ailanthus altissima, Eucalyptus globulus, Prunus serotina, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus rubra, Robinia p...
Gao_Drought resistance and resilience of rhizosphere communities_13C-PLFA
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Data of 13C-pulselabeling experiments in a young beech model ecosystem and a mature pine forest exposed to drought and rewetting. Data include microclimate during the experiment...
Daily data of the volumes, solutes and isotopes in snowpack outflow measured ...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This data contain volumes, solutes and isotopes of snowpack outflow measured by a snowmelt lysimeter system at three locations in the southern Alp catchment, situated Central Sw...
In-situ soil moisture measurements Napf-region
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
In the context of landslide early warning research, soil moisture (e.g. volumetric soil water content and soil water potential) has been measured at six locations in the Napf-re...
CH-Kleinstwasserkraftwerke - ein schweizweiter Datensatz zu Kleinstwasserkraf...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
In der Schweiz werden Wasserkraftanlagen (WKA) mit einer Leistung von mehr als 300 kW systematisch erfasst und in der nationalen Wasserkraftstatistik (WASTA) zusammengetragen. D...
Phosphorus and nitrogen leaching from beech forest soils
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Data on dissolved organic and inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in leachates and their corresponding fluxes from the litter layer, the Oe/Oa horizon, and the A ho...
Spatial modelling of ecological indicator values
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Ecologically meaningful predictors are often neglected in plant distribution studies, resulting in incomplete niche quantification and low predictive power of species distributi...
Data Broedlin CNP
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Mircocosm experiment to identify the individual patterns and controls of C, N, and P mobilization in soils under beech forests. Organic and mineral horizons sampled along a nutr...
Water-use strategies of temperate tree species
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This dataset represents the data shown in the Figures 2 - 7 of Walthert et al. (2024): Coordination between degree of isohydricity and depth of root water uptake in temperate tr...
Soil organic carbon stock of an afforestation sequence on a subalpine pasture
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This data set provides soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and stable carbon isotope (13C) values of mineral soil (0-45cm), organic horizons (Oi, Oe, Oa), and root biomass of a...