Othmarsingen, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
Chironico, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-te...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
Bettlachstock, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Lon...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
Experts survey protective forest and combined extremes in Val Mesolcina
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
This dataset contains the results of a case study analysing the potential impacts of a compound meteorological extreme event on the protective forest in the Val Mesolcina. These...
High resolution climate data for Europe
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High-resolution information on climatic conditions is essential to many applications in environmental and ecological sciences. Here we present downscaled climate data for the CO...
Case study applications demonstrating the use and potential of the TreeMig fr...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The [TreeMig framework](https://treemig.wsl.ch/en/) allows for an easy application of the forest landscape model TreeMig for simulating forest dynamics in space under changing e...
Factors influencing teenagers' forest visit frequency
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The data results from a questionnaire survey conducted at 8 schools in the cantons Zurich, Aargau and St. Gallen. Respondents aged 13-22 years. The aim of the survey was to gain...
REMA topography and AntarcticaLC2000 for WRF
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) topography and AntarcticaLC2000 landuse data are now available as static data input for the Weather Research and Forecasting model...
Data set of: Plant and root-zone water isotopes are difficult to measure, exp...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The following two tables contain information about the data sources of the values reported in Table 1 and 2 in the paper “Plant and root-zone water isotopes are difficult to mea...
Sample plot inventory data form the Parc Naturel du Jorat
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The Jorat is one of the largest continously forested areas in the Swiss Plateau. On a forested area of 778 ha, the Parc Naturel du Jorat (PNJ), a periurban parc, has been establ...
DISCHMEX - Meteorological measurements
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Meteorological measurements recorded in the Dischma valley from 2014-2016. In 2014 and 2015 we used 11 mobile weather stations from sensorscope to record meteorological paramete...
Energy Cooperatives in Switzerland: Survey Results // Energiegenossenschaften...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Topic of Survey The data at hand on energy cooperatives in Switzerland were collected in 2016 as part of the project "Collective financing of renewable energy projects in Switz...
Stable water isotopes in precipitation and streamflow at Plynlimon, Wales, UK
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The data base contains timeseries of stable water isotopes in precipitation and streamflow at Plynlimon, Wales, UK. One data set contains weekly stable water isotope data from t...
Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
The Bryophytes of Europe Traits (BET) dataset includes values for 65 biological and ecological traits and 25 bioclimatic variables for all 1816 bryophytes included in the Europe...
Starter Kit for the TreeMig framework v1 for easy simulation of spatio-tempor...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Starter kit for the [TreeMig framework](treemig.wsl.ch) that allows for an easy application of the forest landscape model TreeMig for simulating forest dynamics in space under c...
Isone, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-term F...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
In-situ soil moisture measurements Napf-region
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
In the context of landslide early warning research, soil moisture (e.g. volumetric soil water content and soil water potential) has been measured at six locations in the Napf-re...
UAV-derived Digital Surface Models and orthoimages for three alpine glaciers
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
UAV-derived DSMs and orthoimages Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys were conducted between 2015 and 2016 on the Sankt Annafirn, Findelen- and Griesgletscher, situated in th...
Lausanne, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-ter...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
CH-Kleinstwasserkraftwerke - ein schweizweiter Datensatz zu Kleinstwasserkraf...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
In der Schweiz werden Wasserkraftanlagen (WKA) mit einer Leistung von mehr als 300 kW systematisch erfasst und in der nationalen Wasserkraftstatistik (WASTA) zusammengetragen. D...
Neunkirch, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-te...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...
Data set on snow instability
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
These data on snow instability include three data subsets that were analyzed and the results published by Reuter and Schweizer (2018) who suggest a novel framework on how to des...
Biogas aus Hofdünger in der Schweiz
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
Ziel dieses Whitepapers ist es, Entscheidungsträgern, Verwaltungen und Stakeholdern die aktuellsten Forschungsergebnisse zur Verfügung zu stellen, um die optimale Nutzung von Bi...
Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High-resolution information on climatic conditions is essential to many applications in environmental and ecological sciences. Here we present the CHELSA (Climatologies at high ...
Novaggio, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-ter...
Bildung, Kultur und Sport
High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here compris...