LiDAR 2019 - Pente du terrain classifiée
Regions and cities, Environment
La pente est calculée sur la base du MNT. La grille est à 0.5m de résolution et contient les valeurs de la pente (en %) regroupées par classe. Pente (%) : Classification 0–4 : ...
LiDAR 2019 - Modèle numérique de surface (MNS)
Regions and cities, Environment
Le MNS a été généré à partir de points bruts classifiés issus de l'office fédérale de topographie, swisstopo. Les points bruts sont interpolés sur une grille raster régulière d'...
LiDAR 2019 - Orientation du terrain classifiée
Regions and cities, Environment
L’orientation du terrain est calculée sur la base du MNT. La grille est à 0.5m de résolution et contient les valeurs de l’orientation de la pente entre 0° (Nord) et 360° dans l...
LiDAR 2019 - Ombrage du MNT
Regions and cities, Environment
Cette carte d’ombrage est une image raster obtenue par ombrage du MNT qui offre une représentation précise du relief. Ces ombrages ont été réalisés par la méthode standard : ...
LiDAR 2019 - Ombrage du MNS
Regions and cities, Environment
Cette carte d’ombrage est une image raster obtenue par ombrage du MNS qui offre une représentation précise du relief. Ces ombrages ont été réalisés par la méthode standard : ...
LiDAR 2019 - Ombrage du MNS (rayonnement solaire)
Regions and cities, Environment
Cette carte d’ombrage est une image raster obtenue par ombrage du MNS qui offre une représentation précise du relief. La méthode par rayonnement a été utilisée ici : calcul d...
LiDAR 2019 - Modèle numérique de terrain (MNT)
Regions and cities, Environment
Le MNT a été généré à partir de points bruts classifiés issus de l'office fédérale de topographie, swisstopo. Les points bruts sont interpolés sur une grille raster régulière d'...
LiDAR 2019 - Pente du terrain
Regions and cities, Environment
La pente est calculée sur la base du MNT. La grille est à 0.5m de résolution et contient les valeurs de pente en degré.
Present and future multifaceted plant diversity, uniqueness and conservation ...
Education, culture and sport
This repository contains extensive data for the European Alps: - Observations of ~3,500 plant species - Climate (1-km), soil (100-m) and land cover predictors (1km); current...
CHELSAcruts - High resolution temperature and precipitation timeseries for t...
Education, culture and sport
CHELSAcruts is a delta change monthly climate dataset for the years 1901-2016 for mean monthly maximum temperatures, mean monthly minimum temperatures, and monthly precipitation...
Grassland-use intensity maps for Switzerland
Education, culture and sport
A rule-based algorithm [(Schwieder et al., 2022)](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2021.112795) was used to produce annual maps for 2018–2021 of grassland-management events, i.e. m...
CHELSA-BIOCLIM+ A novel set of global climate-related predictors at kilometre...
Education, culture and sport
A multitude of physical and biological processes on which ecosystems and human societies depend are governed by climatic conditions. Understanding how these processes are altere...
CHELSA-TraCE21k: Downscaled transient temperature and precipitation data sinc...
Education, culture and sport
High resolution, downscaled climate model data are used in a wide variety of applications in environmental sciences. Here we present the CHELSA-TraCE21k downscaling algorithm to...
Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas
Education, culture and sport
High-resolution information on climatic conditions is essential to many applications in environmental and ecological sciences. Here we present the CHELSA (Climatologies at high ...
Snow depth mapping by airplane photogrammetry (2017 - ongoing)
Education, culture and sport
The available datasets are snow depth maps with a spatial resolution of 0.5 m derived from images of the survey camera Vexcel Ultracam mounted on a piloted airplane. Image acqui...
Vegetation Height Model NFI
Education, culture and sport
A national vegetation height model was calculated for Switzerland using digital aerial images. We used the stereo aerial images acquired by the Federal Office of Topography swis...
Spatially explicit data to evaluate spatial planning outcomes in a coastal re...
Education, culture and sport
The present dataset is part of the published scientific paper entitled “The role of spatial planning in land change: An assessment of urban planning and nature conservation effi...
Cropland and grassland map of Switzerland based on Sentinel-2 data
Education, culture and sport
We developed a map of cropland and grassland allocation for Switzerland based on several indices dominantly derived from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery captured over multiple grow...
Historical Vegetation Height Model NFI
Education, culture and sport
The main datasets available are 4 nationwide **Digital Surface Models (DSMs)** and corresponding **Vegetation Height Models (VHMs)** with a spatial resolution of 1 m. The Vegeta...
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2018
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 10 cm ground pixels. It was flown on 1/16 August and 11/20 September 2018 and is available in true colour (RGB). The entire country including the...
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2012
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 12.5 cm ground pixels. The orthophoto was flown from 16 June to 18 August 2012 with a Vexcel Ultracam XP RGBI digital area scan camera. The fligh...
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2003
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 25 cm ground pixels. The orthophoto was flown with a digital line scan camera on 7/8 August 2009.
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2020
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 10 cm ground pixels. It was flown between 21 May and 9 September 2020 and is available in true colour (RGB). The entire country including the nei...
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2006
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 12.5 cm ground pixels. The orthophoto was flown in September 2006 by the province of Vorarlberg and made available to Liechtenstein.
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2022
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 10 cm ground pixels. The aerial survey was carried out in the Alpine region in summer and in the valley region in winter. The advantage of flying...