Timetable 2024 (GTFS2020)
The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed Speci...
Business organisations with situation exchange data
The list contains all business organisations for which situation exchange data is available.
Timetable 2020 (GTFS)
The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed Speci...
Beta: Price information via OJPFare for public transport in Switzerland
We provide initial price information for public transport in Switzerland using the OJP fare service. The current approach is experimental and based on integration data. OJPFa...
Accessibility - Parking lot (today)
This dataset contains information on the accessibility of car parks.
(Beta) Cableways, ski lifts
his dataset contains some cableways and ski lifts in NeTEx format. These are not included in the public transport collection so far. At the moment, some areas are covered by ...
Business organisations with realtime data
The list contains all business organisations for which realtime data is available or will be in the future.
Bike Parkings
The data set contains around 1200 bicycle parking spaces (bicycle parking facilities / parking spaces). The data refers only to the locations available to SBB.
Number of annual group subscription per postcode
The dataset contains the sold annual subscriptions of a network, which were valid at the end of the year, divided into the postal code of the bill recipient. The current datas...
Timetable 2024 (HRDF) Format 5.4 for car transport
The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRD...
Zones and stop places (Today)
This data set contains all valid public transport-relevant areas and stop edges of stops in Switzerland.
Occupancy Forecast SIRI Dataset
A capacity utilisation forecast or occupancy forecast is a prediction of the expected capacity utilisation of a specific means of transport (train, bus, etc.) at a specific poin...
Accessibility - Stops (today)
This dataset contains information about the accessibility at stop level.
Timetable 2024 (HRDF) Format 5.4
The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRDF).
GA and Half Fare Travelcard
The data set comprises the GA and Half Fare Travelcard subscriptions that were validly in circulation at the end of the year, broken down by zip code according to the residentia...
Accessibility - Relations (all versions)
This data set contains information on the accessibility of the path between the reference points and the various objects (e.g. contact point, toilet).
prm-toilet-actAccessibility - Toilets (today)ual-date
This dataset contains information on the accessibility of toilets.
Occupancy Forecast JSON Dataset
A capacity utilisation forecast or occupancy forecast is a prediction of the expected capacity utilisation of a specific means of transport (train, bus, etc.) at a specific poin...
Attributes event information
The list of attributes for the event information refers to chapter 10 communication in the event of an incident of the national industry standard customer information (currently...
Timetable 2024 (HRDF) Format 5.4 for car transport
The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRD...
Timetable 2020 (HRDF) Format 5.2
The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRDF).
Timetable Draft 54 from 2021 (HRDF) Format 5.4
This timetable is still in the planning stage, i.e. a draft timetable. The dates are subject to change until final publication. This data set is in the current data format 5....
Timetable 2019 (GTFS)
The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed Speci...
Accessibility - Parking lot (all versions)
This dataset contains information on the accessibility of car parks.
Swiss Line ID (SLNID) - Subline
Data from the Swiss route directory. Most of the lines are probably known by their "commercial" names, e.g. "S5". However, the subject is more complex in its professional and te...