Archive database of the Swiss Federal Archives
Government and public sector
Metadata of the fonds in the Swiss Federal Archives. Currently the metadata of 3.84 million files and 257'000 documents are available online (august 2020). Including over 25’000...
Travel matrices for passenger traffic and for freight traffic 2010
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel matrices for passenger traffic (public transport and personal transport) and for freight traffic (road only) 2010 as text files. Source: [Swiss National Passenger Transpo...
Travel matrices for passenger traffic and for freight traffic 2020
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel matrices for passenger traffic (public transport and personal transport) and for freight traffic (road only) 2020 as text files. These data are part of the Transport Outl...
Travel matrices for passenger traffic and for freight traffic 2030
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel matrices for passenger traffic (public transport and personal transport) and for freight traffic (road only) 2030 as text files. Source: [Transport Outlook 2040](https://...
Travel matrices for passenger traffic and for freight traffic 2040
Government and public sector, Environment, Transport
Travel matrices for passenger traffic (public transport and personal transport) and for freight traffic (road only) 2040 as text files. Source: [Transport Outlook 2040](https://...