3 datasets found

Keywords: manuscript

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  • Medieval manuscripts in the Basel University Library

    Education, culture and sport

    This collection includes high-quality reproductions of more than 70 of the medieval manuscripts in the Basel University Library. Most of the manuscripts were written in the l...

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  • Medieval manuscripts in the Zentralbibliothek Solothurn

    Education, culture and sport

    The Zentralbibliothek Solothurn holds an important collection of manuscripts predominantly from the later Middle Ages. The more than 100 codices are not only from Solothurn mona...

    • HTML
  • C. G. Jung Correspondence

    Education, culture and sport

    The academic correspondence of the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) is part of the C. G. Jung Papers Collection held at the ETH Zurich University Archives....

    • ZIP
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