29 datasets found

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  • Historische Fotografien des Forstbetriebes Sihlwald,1878-1962

    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Environment

    Das Stadtarchiv Zürich hat im Sommer 2004 in Zusammenarbeit mit Grün Stadt Zürich (dem das ehemalige **Stadtforstamt** zugeordnet ist) einen wertvollen Bestand historischer Foto...

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  • Pfarrbücher der Stadt Zürich, Tauf- und Ehebuch Grossmünster 1708 - 1762

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector

    Die Pfarrbücher der Pfarrämter bzw. Kirchengemeinden der Stadt Zürich enthalten **Taufen, Ehen, Todesfälle** und oft auch **Konfirmationen**. Sie sind im Stadtarchiv Zürich in...

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  • Grundlagendaten zur Publikation «Zürich 1799»

    Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities

    Die Grundlagendaten der Publikation „Zürich 1799“ - Texte, Bilder, Karten und Geodaten - wurden anlässlich des 1. Schweizer „Kultur-Hackathons“ von Ende Februar 2015 als offene ...

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  • Bildarchiv des Lebensmittelverein Zürich (LVZ)

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Energy

    Das Bildarchiv der LVZ ist einer der reichhaltigsten Bildbestände des Sozialarchivs. Es umfasst über 1'600 Fotos, Negative, Dias, Glasdias und Objekte zur Geschichte des Lebensm...

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  • Bauhistorische Fotosammlung von Uster (1893-1909) von Julius Gujer

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Economy and finance

    Diese Teilauswahl des Fotobestandes von Julius Gujer bietet einen Einblick in den **Baumwollindustriestandort Uster Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts**. Durch eine umfangreiche Gebä...

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  • Bildarchiv des Schweizerischen Arbeiterhilfswerks (SAH) - Oeuvre suisse d'ent...

    Education, culture and sport

    Während der letzten Jahre des Zweiten Weltkriegs nahm das [**Schweizerische Arbeiterhilfswerk (SAH)**](http://www.sah-schweiz.ch/) eine ausgedehnte Versorgungs- und Unterstützun...

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  • Fotosammlung: Wandervogel - Schweizerischer Bund für alkoholfreie Jugendwande...

    Education, culture and sport, Environment

    Diese frühe Jugendbewegung suchte und fand ihre Freiräume in der Natur: beim Spielen im Wald, beim Tanzen auf der Wiese und beim Wandern in den Bergen. Ganz wichtig dabei war di...

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  • Gemeindewahlen und -Abstimmungen von Uster 1966 - 2016

    Government and public sector

    Statistische und inhaltliche Daten der **Gemeindewahlen und –Abstimmungen von Uster** anhand gescannter Wahlunterlagen und Protokolle der letzten 50 Jahre. Die Unterlagen geb...

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  • Historical photograph collection “Active service in the First World War”

    Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector

    The “Active service in the First World War” (1914-1918) photograph collection comprises 5,125 digitised glass plate negatives and their metadata from the fonds “National Defence...

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  • Annotated references from journal issues and monographs on the history of Venice

    Education, culture and sport

    A dataset of annotated references (in both reference lists and footnotes) from journal issues and monographs on the history of Venice, created in the context of the LinkedBooks ...

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  • Archive database of the Swiss Federal Archives

    Government and public sector

    Metadata of the fonds in the Swiss Federal Archives. Currently the metadata of 3.84 million files and 257'000 documents are available online (august 2020). Including over 25’000...

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  • Digitized rare books in the Basel University Library

    Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector, Regions and cities, Transport

    Over 6.000 prints (books, maps or music prints) from the Basel University Library from the 15th to the 19th century, including a lot of early prints from the 16th century.

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  • Maps from the collection “Magnificent Atlases” with title cartouches

    Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities

    A selection of about 1930 maps from the collection "[Magnificent Atlases: From the Beginnings to the Golden Age](https://www.e-rara.ch/atlanten/nav/classification/26780995)” wer...

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  • Photographs by Robert Breitinger

    Education, culture and sport

    Robert Breitinger-Wyder was a heating engineer and stove manufacturer in Zürich. At age 45, he took up the hobby of photography, like so many of the bourgeoisie in Zürich at tha...

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  • Metadata of Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève (MEG) collections

    Education, culture and sport

    This is the metadata of the collections of the Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève. You can browse the collections under <https://www.meg.ch/en/research-collections/catalogue-coll...

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  • Historical Photos «Vues de la suisse» by Adolphe Braun & Cie.

    Education, culture and sport, Transport, Economy and finance

    In the middle of the 19th century Jean Adolphe Braun inspired the imagination of the European bourgeoisie with his photos. From the 1850s onwards, more and more people had the f...

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  • Gramophone Collection - Swiss National Sound Archives

    Education, culture and sport

    Gramophone is a project of the Swiss National Sound Archives, which aims to safeguard and enhance a number of historical sound recordings (on cylinders and 78rpm records) preser...

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  • Latin abbreviations contained in Adriano Cappelli’s Lexicon Abbreviaturarum

    Education, culture and sport

    This collection contains the data of the most commonly used reference work on latin abbreviations, Cappelli’s Lexicon Abbreviaturarum (Cappelli, Adriano: Lexicon Abbreviaturarum...

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  • Text of the Book «Rolle and its former district»

    Education, culture and sport, Economy and finance

    The Society for Art History in Switzerland (German: Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte GSK, French: Société d'histoire de l'art en Suisse SHAS, Italian: Società di ...

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  • The Stapfer-Enquête: schooling in Switzerland 1799

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport

    Database containing the results of the Stapfer-Enquête: The Stapfer-Enquête is a unique survey of the school situation in the Helvetic Republic dating from 1799. It was initiate...

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  • Official Compilation of Federal Legislation (BS / AS) 1948-2018

    Justice, legal system and public safety

    The data comprise the Official Compilation (AS) including the Revised Compilation (BS). The AS is the organ of publication for enactments of the Confederation that have entered ...

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  • VSJF-Refugees Migration

    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Justice, legal system and public safety, Government and public sector, Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    The VSJF-Refugees Migration data are an excerpt of the VSJF-database hosted at the Archives of Contemporary History, ETH Zurich. The database contains data sets of refugees whic...

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  • State financial statements / federal budget: receipts and expenditure of the ...

    Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    In the state financial statements, the Federal Council details the receipts of the federal administration for the previous year and accounts for its expenditure. The Federal...

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  • Bildersammlung Annemarie Schwarzenbach

    Education, culture and sport

    Annemarie Schwarzenbach, 1908 in Zürich geboren, 1942 in Sils gestorben, gehört zu den herausragenden Schweizer Reporterinnen der 1930er und 1940er Jahre. Sie bezeichnete sich s...

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  • Eduard Spelterini image collection

    Education, culture and sport

    Between 1890 and 1910 Eduard Spelterini (1852-1931) undertook a number of travels by balloon over Switzerland and other countries. While doing this, he took photographs from ab...

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