15 datasets found

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  • Geschäftsberichte des Stadtrats, ab 1859

    Seit 1859 legt der Stadtrat mit dem jährlich erscheinenden Geschäftsbericht der Gemeinde Rechenschaft über seine Tätigkeit ab.

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  • Repertoire des Schauspielhaus Zürich, 1938-1968

    Education, culture and sport

    Das Repertoire des Schauspielhauses Zürich umfasst sämtliche Premieren, die in den Jahren 1938 - 1968 aufgeführt wurden. Die dem Repertoire zugrunde liegenden Informationen ...

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  • Maps from the collection “Magnificent Atlases” with title cartouches

    Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities

    A selection of about 1930 maps from the collection "[Magnificent Atlases: From the Beginnings to the Golden Age](https://www.e-rara.ch/atlanten/nav/classification/26780995)” wer...

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  • Early modern travel literature

    Education, culture and sport

    Printed travelogues from the 16th to the 19th century shaped the ideas of foreign countries and continents. They informed, alienated and dramatised and thus satisfied the curios...

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  • Basic descriptive bibliographic and usage data of Lucernense collections 17.-...

    Education, culture and sport

    The Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern is the cantonal and academic library of the canton of Lucerne and holds in its collections, among others, publications from and about...

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  • 21st Century Swiss video games

    Education, culture and sport

    A table with information about (initially 21st Century, released) independent video games created by Swiss game developers or studios.

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  • List of all Exhibitions at Kunsthaus Zürich

    Education, culture and sport

    The Kunsthaus Zürich has been mounting temporary exhibitions for more than a century. Every year, the Kunsthaus Zürich holds an average of three exhibitions in the Great Exhibit...

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  • Federal consultations 1960-1991

    Justice, legal system and public safety

    Metadata on consultation procedures completed between 1960 and 1991. The list links to the overview of consultation procedures completed since 1992, which is maintained online b...

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  • Bildersammlung Annemarie Schwarzenbach

    Education, culture and sport

    Annemarie Schwarzenbach, 1908 in Zürich geboren, 1942 in Sils gestorben, gehört zu den herausragenden Schweizer Reporterinnen der 1930er und 1940er Jahre. Sie bezeichnete sich s...

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  • Eduard Spelterini image collection

    Education, culture and sport

    Between 1890 and 1910 Eduard Spelterini (1852-1931) undertook a number of travels by balloon over Switzerland and other countries. While doing this, he took photographs from ab...

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  • Handschriften Rainer Maria Rilke

    Education, culture and sport

    Rainer Maria Rilke, 1875 in Prag geboren, 1926 in der Schweiz gestorben, zählt zu den bedeutendsten Dichtern der literarischen Moderne. Sein Werk umfasst vor allem Lyrik, aber a...

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  • Max van Berchem image collection

    Education, culture and sport

    Born in Geneva in 1863, Max van Berchem was an Orientalist, specialist in Islamic archaeology and photographer. He travelled to Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Turkey to carry out r...

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  • Photoglob-Wehrli Archive

    Education, culture and sport

    The Photoglob-Wehrli archive at the Swiss National Library is part of the Federal Archives of Historic Monuments (FAHM) held by the Prints and Drawings Department. Over 12,000 p...

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  • Swiss ISIL Directory

    Education, culture and sport

    The Swiss National Library (NL) maintains the national ISIL centre for memory institutions (libraries, archives, documentation centres and museums) from Switzerland and the Prin...

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  • The Gugelmann Collection (Schweizer Kleinmeister)

    Education, culture and sport

    Since 1982, the Swiss National Library (NL) has been home to the Gugelmann Collection, a large group of works by the Schweizer Kleinmeister - Swiss 18th century masters - assemb...

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