69 datasets found

Keywords: climate

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  • Fire Weather Index for Hydrological Bavaria from 1980-2099 derived from the 5...

    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset contains the Fire Weather Index for Hydrological Bavaria from 1980 - 2099 as stated in the paper "Climate change impacts on regional fire weather in heterogeneous l...

  • Anthropogenic change and soil net N mineralization

    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Risch Anita C., Zimmermann, Stefan, Moser, Barbara, Schütz, Martin, Hagedorn,...

    • XLS
  • Resolution in species distribution models shapes spatial patterns of plant mu...

    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset comprises a large array of ecological data for the European Alps: (1) Current soil and climate predictors at various resolutions. (2) GBIF observations of the ...

    • ZIP
  • CHELSAcruts - High resolution temperature and precipitation timeseries for t...

    Education, culture and sport

    CHELSAcruts is a delta change monthly climate dataset for the years 1901-2016 for mean monthly maximum temperatures, mean monthly minimum temperatures, and monthly precipitation...

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  • Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas

    Education, culture and sport

    High-resolution information on climatic conditions is essential to many applications in environmental and ecological sciences. Here we present the CHELSA (Climatologies at high ...

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  • Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) Data

    Education, culture and sport

    In Memory of Dr. Konrad (Koni) Steffen <br /> <br /> Update October 2022: The GC-Net is kindly continued by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). Starting Oc...

    • JSON
  • Drivers of the microbial metabolic quotient across global grasslands

    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Risch Anita C., Zimmermann, Stefan, Schütz, Martin, Borer, Elizabeth T., Broa...

  • Greenland shrubs and microclimate

    Education, culture and sport

    Study Aim We collected these data to alternatively train and validate high resolution (~ 90 m) Species Distribution Models (SDMs) and Species Abundance Models (SAMs) for _Betu...

  • Data on wild bee taxonomic and functional diversity in Switzerland

    Education, culture and sport

    Raw data supporting the paper "Countrywide wild bee taxonomic and functional diversity reveal a spatial mismatch between alpha and beta-diversity facets across multiple ecologic...

  • Mean daily temperature high in July, period 1961-1990

    Regions and cities, Environment

    For the area-wide calculation, measured values from MeteoSwiss measuring stations in the period 1961-1990 were used. From the daily temperature curve, the highest temperature is...

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  • Mean daily temperature high in July, period 2070-2099, Scenario RCP 4.5

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Mean daily temperature high in July (period 2070-2099). The temperature increase of the climate scenario was added to the map «Air temperature July 1981-2010». Among the represe...

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  • Mean daily temperature high in July, period 2070-2099, Scenario RCP 2.6

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Mean daily temperature high in July (period 2070-2099). The temperature increase of the climate scenario was added to the map «Air temperature July 1981-2010». Among the represe...

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  • Mean daily temperature high in July, period 2070-2099, Scenario RCP 8.5

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Mean daily temperature high in July (period 2070-2099). The temperature increase of the climate scenario was added to the map «Air temperature July 1981-2010». Among the represe...

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  • Mean daily temperature high in July, period 1981-2010

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The daily high of the air temperature in July in the diurnal cycle (1981-2010) (for detailed explanations see «Air temperature July 1961-1990»). The resulting map has a spatial ...

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  • Implementation results of CO2 emission regulations for delivery and light art...

    Energy, Environment, Transport

    Since 1 January 2020, CO2 emission regulations for vans and light semi-trailer trucks have been in force in Switzerland - analogous to the EU. They oblige Swiss car importers to...

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  • Manual snow- and precipitation stations

    Regions and cities, Environment

    In addition to its automatic precipitation measurements, MeteoSwiss also operates a manual precipitation monitoring network. Measurements are taken here once a day and transmitt...

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  • Baumkataster

    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    Der Baumkataster gibt eine Übersicht des städtischen Baumbestandes und der Artenvielfalt in der Stadt Biel. Der Datensatz dient als Dokumentation der getätigten Kontrollen und a...

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  • Climate scenarios for future indoor climate (SIA 2028)

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Based on the CH2018 climate change scenarios, physically consistent data on temperature, humidity, wind, and radiation were calculated at 45 stations on an hourly basis. These r...

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  • Temperature and relative humidity for city and region of Bern

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The project Smart Urban Heatmap Bern provides current and historical measurements of air temperature and relative humidity at over 100 measuring stations throughout the city and...

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  • Luftschadstoffbelastung

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Hektarraster für Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) und Feinstaub (PM10) im Kanton Thurgau

    • WMS
  • Luftschadstoffemissionen

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Hektarraster der modellierten Emissionsdaten für Stickoxide und Feinstaub.

    • WMS
  • Climate normals sunshine duration 1991-2020

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Spatial analysis of monthly and yearly averages of relative sunshine duration over the norm period 1991-2020. Source: MeteoSwiss

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  • Climate normals temperature 1991-2020

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Spatial analysis of monthly and yearly averages of temperature over the norm period 1991-2020. Source: MeteoSwiss

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  • Climate normals precipitation 1991-2020

    Regions and cities, Environment

    Spatial analysis of monthly and yearly averages of precipitation over the norm period 1981-2010. Source: MeteoSwiss

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  • Visual meteorological observations

    Regions and cities, Environment

    The information on current weather events is supplemented by visual human observations. The atmospheric conditions around the observation site are described in detail. Visual ob...

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