Pixel map Liechtenstein 1:10,000 (1943/1947)
Regions and cities, Environment
Coloured national map of Liechtenstein at a scale of 1:10,000. The historical map series consists of six sheets with the updates 1943 and 1947. The northern half of the country ...
Pixel map Liechtenstein 1:10,000 (1967)
Regions and cities, Environment
Coloured national map of Liechtenstein at a scale of 1:10,000. The historical map consists of four sheets with the 1967 update.
Nature conservation areas
Regions and cities, Environment
Nature reserves protected by ordinance in Liechtenstein. The nature conservation areas are designated on the basis of the Law on the Protection of Nature and Landscape (LGBl. 19...
Base plan 1:5,000 (coloured) Liechtenstein
Regions and cities, Environment
Coloured base plan of Liechtenstein at a scale of 1:5,000. The ‘BP-AV’ cadastral survey base plan is a product that is automatically derived from the digital data of the AV. Wit...
Protected landscape areas
Regions and cities, Environment
Landscape protection areas in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Nature and Landscape LGBl. 1996 No. 117, Article 18). The landscape protection areas are protected by ...
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2006
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 12.5 cm ground pixels. The orthophoto was flown in September 2006 by the province of Vorarlberg and made available to Liechtenstein.
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2022
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 10 cm ground pixels. The aerial survey was carried out in the Alpine region in summer and in the valley region in winter. The advantage of flying...
Protected forest designation 2024
Regions and cities, Environment
Protection forests are a central element in protection against natural hazards. They directly protect people and infrastructure from rockfall, avalanches, landslides and hillslo...
Orthophoto Liechtenstein 2009
Regions and cities, Environment
Orthophoto with a resolution of 12.5 cm ground pixels. The orthophoto was flown from 17 June to 29 July 2009 with an Ultracam XP digital area scan camera. The flight altitude ab...
Pixel map Liechtenstein 1:10,000 (1989)
Regions and cities, Environment
Coloured national map of Liechtenstein at a scale of 1:10,000. The map consists of four sheets and was last updated in 1989. The digital data set was partially updated in 2008 (...
Aerial photographs Liechtenstein (1964 and 1970)
Regions and cities, Environment
The data set consists of digitised aerial photographs of the so-called photogrammetric plans from 1964 and 1970, respectively, on which known boundary signs were marked and eval...
Official directory of building addresses Liechtenstein
Regions and cities, Environment
Official data set for the "Directory of building addresses". The directory of building addresses contains all official and thus officially binding addresses in Liechtenstein. Al...
Field names of the Liechtenstein municipalities
Regions and cities, Environment
Field names from the field name map of the Liechtenstein municipalities. The field name map was compiled by the Liechtenstein Name Book and contains place, field, terrain, path ...
Hiking trails Liechtenstein
Regions and cities, Transport
The Office for the Environment, Forest and Landscape Division, is responsible for the planning, construction, maintenance and labelling of the footpath and hiking trail network....
Geographical Names Switzerland - INSPIRE
Regions and cities, Environment
Geographical Names is based on the data set swissNAMES3D by swisstopo. It is the most comprehensive collection of geographical names for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. swissNAME...
Noise pollution register for railway systems – railway noise, actual nighttim...
Regions and cities, Environment
The authoritative railway noise pollution values are defined in the noise pollution register. Both emission and immission values are shown. The actual immissions Lr,e in [dB(A)]...
Cantons NFI
Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment
According to the geometry of the data set, Switzerland is divided into cantons. Basel Stadt and Basel-Landschaft are considered as a single unit.